Police say an organized group of people stole multiple vehicles from a car dealership in Caledonia early Monday morning and led officers on a high-speed chase spanning several counties.
Police in Ottawa County are looking for more victims or possible witnesses after a man hit a woman’s car then assaulted her when they pulled over to exchange information
The sting was a joint operation between the Kent County Sheriff’s Office and the FBI
After a tip in June, an investigation uncovered evidence that the man had been offering teenage girls alcohol and vape pens in exchange for sex and nude pictures
The court set a new standard on when police can treat a person as a suspect
Teenagers from16 to 20 years old arrested after incident at Gaines Meijer
Friske addressed the incident during a candidates’ forum Monday night
The Ingham County prosecutor declined to immediately press charges but the investigation into firearm and assault allegations is ongoing
State Representative Neil Friske remains in jail following his arrest early Thursday for “a felony-level offense”
A Cedar Springs man is under arrest in connection with a string of construction site robberies.