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Straight Talk on Health

How do you live your healthiest life when health information seems to change every day? Each week on Straight Talk on Health, Dr. Chet Zelasko examines the health headlines, digs into the latest research studies, explores the claims of miracle nutrients and diets, and gives you his insight about what’s real and what’s not so you can make informed decisions about your health. Straight Talk on Health airs Monday afternoons during WGVU’s Midday West Michigan.

The health information Dr. Chet talks about is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice from your healthcare provider; it should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. This information is, however, designed to motivate you to work towards better health, which includes seeing your healthcare professional regularly.

Latest Episodes
  • Questions about Vitamin B12 are usually about methylcobalomin versus cyanocobalamin. But Dr. Chet Zelasko recently got some questions about having elevated vitamin B12 in blood tests. Can it be hazardous to your health? He checks it out on this edition of Straight Talk on Health
  • Fasting has drawn a lot of attention lately with one intermittent fasting routine after another being pitched. But fasting as a tool for improving how chemotherapy can work for cancer treatment has been investigated for a decade or more. Dr. Chet addresses fasting for our health on this edition of Straight Talk on Health
  • Can you make enough Vitamin D in the Winter months? Is where you live stacking the deck against you? Dr. Chet Zelasko looks into it and offers some solutions on this edition of Straight Talk on Health.
  • Dr. Chet has gotten several questions on SIBO lately. What is it? What causes it? Is there anything we can do to resolve it? Dr. Chet Zelasko takes a close look at SIBO on this edition of Straight Talk on Health
  • “Everything old is new again.” Chet Zelasko looks into beef tallow for cooking and skin care on this week’s episode of Straight Talk on Health
  • The state of health research may be at risk as politics enters the scientific arena. On this episode of Straight Talk on Health, Dr. Chet Zelasko covers two examples of how the delay in health research has impacted lives
  • It seems like everyone is pitching a different way to detox your body. Many methods give legitimated detoxification a bad name. You wouldn’t be alive if there was no detoxification taking place in your body. Dr. Chet covers detoxing on this edition of Straight Talk on Health
  • Have you ever looked up your BMI and were not happy with the number? A mathematician has developed another way of looking at body composition. Dr. Chet looks at BRI on this edition of Straight Talk on Health
  • The holiday season is here and we all have to deal with the mass consumption of just about every type of treat you can think of. Can you prevent the inevitable weight gain? That’s our topic on this edition of Straight Talk on Health
  • With the holidays coming, this might be the right time to add flexibility to your food choices, preparation, and spice choices. Wouldn’t you like to use some fish sauce in your turkey gravy? Check out purple sweet potatoes known as ube? Dr. Chet Zelasko covers food flexibility and more on this edition of Straight Talk on Health