After an 18-month closure for renovations, the Muskegon Museum of Art opens its doors to the public Thursday
Leaders at the GRPM announced plans Friday to make the iconic carousel wheelchair accessible
After 18 months of construction, the Muskegon Museum of Art is preparing to showcase its expansion
Ottawa County-based Mosaic Counseling held a ribbon-cutting ceremony today in Grand Rapids celebrating their expansion into Kent County
Director Sam Nichols talks about how the new lakeshore facilities will provide more opportunities for premier soccer, volleyball and basketball programming.
Rosy Mound sits on 164 acres of Lake Michigan shoreline in southern Grand Haven. It was originally purchased from a sand mining company in 1994
Grand Rapids’ Ford International Airport is ready for snow this coming winter, with a new building expansion to house state-of-the-art equipment
The demand for mental health treatment is growing in West Michigan and Holland Hospital Behavioral Health Services is expanding to meet it
The expansion is to accommodate the growing demand for cancer care in the area
This is the final week to get in applications for the next round of positions with the Michigan Healthy Climate Corps. The Corps encourage action on climate change across the state