House Republicans have rolled out a competing transportation proposal
The budget proposal is almost silent on a source of new revenue for roads and progress on the Democratic governor’s marquee 2018 campaign promise
Difficult driving conditions, Kent County landowners seeking farmland protections, a conversation with the ambassador to Ukraine and more.
Center Point Mall sold, Grand Rapids to receive federal money for roads, Consumers shares energy saving tips, and more.
House Republicans have proposed shifting more of the money from taxes on fuel sales to roads. They have called on Democratic leaders to put the plan up for a vote before the end of the year
The Legislature returns to state Capitol Tuesday as lawmakers bargain over what to do before this session wraps up at the end of the year. One subject of negotiations is road funding.
The pilot is currently along a 3 mile stretch through Van Buren Township
The incoming state House speaker has laid out a plan to redirect revenue from Michigan’s corporate income tax and the sales tax on fuel to help pay for road repairs
Motorists statewide will get a bit of a break this holiday weekend as it relates to road construction. The Governor’s Office says the goal is to ease Labor Day weekend travel
Climate action supporters were in Grand Rapids on Friday, Muskegon has selected a local contractor for road paving, a recap of Governor Whitmer’s book Signing in Grand Rapids and more state and West Michigan news.