Grand Rapids-based nonprofit Kids’ Food Basket will soon serve more school children living with food insecurity in Muskegon County
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has begun the process of cleaning up a former Muskegon County manufacturing site
Nearly half the length of a popular West Michigan bike trail is closing for a year-long reconstruction
A Muskegon County man accused of stabbing his boss two weeks ago had his trial put on hold pending a competency exam
The founder of Muskegon County’s Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, William F. Stansell, passed away Saturday at the age of 92
Howmet Aerospace, a global manufacturer of jet engines and industrial gas turbines, is planning on expanding its operations in Whitehall
A worldwide manufacturer is expanding and bringing jobs to West Michigan
Reps. DeBoer, Slagh, Smit and VanWoerkom maintain seats.
Democratic U.S. Representative Hillary Scholten held a sizeable lead most of the evening over her opponent, Paul Hudson
Some absentee ballots seem to have been stolen after a post office box was broken into. A township clerk in Muskegon County is investigating the incident