“This is St. Mark’s Church you know the one downtown across from Kendall college.”
Grand Rapids State Representative Carol Glanville says the state is granting St. Mark’s Episcopal Church one and a half million dollars to help provide food and services for the homeless and hungry.
“They are the only place that offers a meal on Saturdays. They have been doing this for a number of years and they want to expand the programming a little bit have some outdoor showers and some other things.”
Once a month student from the Michigan State University College of Medicine come to the church and provide some health care services.
“Those students come in and do some baseline medical testing and what not they have some other folks who might come in and help with personal hygiene issues and things like that.”
The Grand Rapids Symphony also plays at the Breakfast Café every month. Volunteers staff the facility, donations and grants pay the bills.
“Pleased to be able to help them and make some investments in the community there.”