Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss says she will still be involved in the city, just not as involved. Bliss served 19 years on the city commission, the last 9 as mayor
Comptroller Max Frantz says he was not consulted in advance of the change
The Grand Rapids City Commission approved an incentives plan for a massive downtown development, with one commissioner vowing not to support it without more investment in affordable housing by the developers
Grand Rapids mayor Rosalynn Bliss says she wants to negotiate a new contract with city manager Mark Washington before she leaves office at the end of the year. Washington is now a semifinalist for the city manager job in Dallas, Texas
Currently, the property operates as a 75-space parking lot
Early in-person voting began on October 26th for the first time ahead of a presidential election in Michigan
The East Leonard Elementary School building will be used for training, recruitment, testing, and more while the fire department’s training center is under construction
The Grand Rapids Brownfield Development Authority approved the transformational plan for a major three-building project planned for downtown
The project would be on the vacant property formerly occupied by Charley’s Crab restaurant
Kent County has already contributed $500-thousand to the restore the rapids project and promises another $900-thousand if the group makes progress by certain deadlines