The Michigan Strategic fund board is considering the application for a transformational brownfield classification
The commission reduced last month’s rate increases after listening to citizens
The fee may not as much as previously announced as the city commission may roll back some of the increases approved last month
The city commission voted for the extension Tuesday
The city gives hometown companies a preference if their bid is no more than 2% higher than the low bid.
A Muskegon project that has been in the works for years took one step closer to reality this week.
The project would renovate what has been an eyesore in the city for over 30 years
The Muskegon city planning commission has approved the latest proposal for a plan to redevelop a former factory located near the lakeshore.
City commissioners voted down a proposal expanding the Muskegon Social Drinking District due to safety concerns
Leaders are asking the public to complete a survey. A new logo and brand could be ready for consideration by the city commission this summer