ED Jason Wheeler and Musician Bruce Ling talk about the importance of perpetuating traditional music in West Michigan.
Climate action supporters gathered in Grand Rapids Friday to celebrate progress and clean energy investments in West Michigan
Back to school vaccinations, taste of East Grand Rapids, the 5k Rhythm Run/Walk, America's Dream: Making It Attainable for All, and the Great Lakes Smart Ships Coalition.
John Schmidt, Program Manager of the Great Lakes St Lawrence Governors & Premiers talks about the project.
Sustainable business professionals and community leaders met in Grand Rapids Monday to discuss issues impacting Michigan’s economy
Blandford Nature Center, ArtPrize, Rockin' the Kremlin, The Living Great lakes, Searching for the Heart of the Inland Seas, and Alzheimer’s Association Michigan.
Jerry Dennis talks about this 20th edition of this portrait of North America’s Great Lakes Region.
We talk to Marathon Don Kern about his swim of all 5 great lakes in a day.
Halting Asian carp migration into the Great Lakes has reached a critical juncture. The National Wildlife Federation is urging the governor of Illinois to sign off on a project that will prevent Asian carp from reaching Lake Michigan.