Chapter President/CEO Jennifer Lepard shares the details.
Mania: The ABBA Tribute, Recipe for a Good Life, Everything Left to Remember, Most Dangerous Animals on the Planet, and Speaking While Female.
Steph Jagger joins the show to talk about her new book.
Alzheimer’s experts in the house to discuss this Saturday’s walk to raise funds and friends.
The Roving Mic heads to Holland Home to experience a dementia journey.
What's the first thing you're concerned about when it comes to getting older? For many it's dementia and Alzheimer's. For others it may be heart disease. But what will your quality of life be if you survive into your 80s and 90s? Dr. Chet Zelasko will offer some ideas on aging well on this edition of Straight Talk on Health.
As the percentage of Michiganders over the age of 65 is set to increase 15% by 2025 the supply for Alzheimer's care is not on pace to meet future demand
Program Services Director Jean Baras joins in.