The latest numbers are out and we are a more robust country than ever before. 35% of the U.S. is now categorized as obese. Is there anything that can stem the tide? Dr. Chet Zelasko gives you his thoughts on this edition of Straight Talk on Health.
Recent research has demonstrated that a diabetes medication called semaglutide can help people lose weight. Does it work? Can they keep the weight off? Dr. Chet Zelasko looks into the research on this edition of Straight Talk on Health
On this first Straight Talk on Health episode of the new year Dr. Chet looks at a question that he got from a long time listener. The answer to the question can lead to a whole different look at lifestyle over a lifetime
The holiday season is upon us. This is the time when food is plentiful for most people and foods found only at this time of the year. Do you have a plan for limiting your weight gain this year? Dr. Chet talks about strategies that may help, but it all depends on you