There is a lot of clammer on the web about the evils of maltodextrin. Dr. Chet Zelasko is not sure everything is being portrayed properly. Dr. Chet looks at the research on Maltodextrin on this edition of Straight Talk on Health
Another study has cast doubt on whether fish oil is healthy for us. Could it contribute to the development of atrial fibrillation? Dr. Chet Zelasko looks at the latest study on this episode of Straight Talk on Health
Iron Absorption is one of the topics Dr. Chet Zelasko is asked about the most. On this episode of the Straight Talk on Health podcast, Dr. Chet looks into the latest research and information on increasing iron absorption
Omega-3 fatty acids have long been recommended as a supplement for prenatal care. But a recent study has concluded that omega-3 supplementation might contribute to obesity in children when taken by the mother in the third trimester. Dr. Chet looks at the study on this episode of the Straight Talk on Health podcast
What do you do when there is no research on what ails you? Dr. Chet Zelasko gets asked about supplementation for every condition you can imagine. How does he evaluate the things that could help someone? He lets us know on this edition of Straight Talk on Health
Is a cautionary tale about vitamin D more hype than anything else? Maybe. Before you attribute a death to supplementation, it’s good to have all the facts. In this case, we don’t. I’ll let you know why we don’t on this edition of Straight Talk on Health
Dietary supplements always seem to be under attack. On this episode of Straight Talk on Health, Dr. Chet will give a couple of examples, including one where the consumer should know better
A long-time listener to Straight Talk on Health heard a guest on another podcast talk about the dangers of oxalates. According to this person, avoiding eating foods with oxalates cures just about everything. What are oxalates? And is this true? Dr. Chet explores this topic on this edition of Straight Talk on Health
One of the statements you hear all the time from medical experts is that dietary supplements are not approved by the FDA and therefore are unregulated. On this episode of Straight Talk on Health, Dr. Chet Zelasko will explain how that’s not exactly true and give an example.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids have been in the health research news. Could that tuna fish sandwich help reduce your risk of chronic kidney disease? Could those sardines help your lungs? Dr. Chet Zelasko looks at the research of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on today’s Straight Talk on Health