The site provides access to inspection reports and how to interpret them
Facing a wrongful termination lawsuit, the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday invalidated the hiring of its public health officer.
A Michigan organization says the state has seen around a third of its public health officers leave their jobs within the last three years
The appeals court says county health officers don’t need approval from elected officials to issue orders
The grant will bolster MSU’s public health program in Flint, adding 18 tenure-track faculty members, along with other support, University President Samuel L. Stanley Jr. said at a media conference.
Governor will block sections affecting local health departments.
Lawyers who negotiated a $641 million settlement for victims of Flint’s lead-contaminated water are asking a judge to set aside up to 32% for fees and…
A week after Michigan's Supreme Court ruled Gov. Gretchen Whitmer lacks the authority to act unilaterally to slow the spread of the coronavirus, the state…