Dr. Karen Kennedy, West Michigan Board Member of the American Heart Association, talks about Move More Month.
Dan Janisse shares his heart attack survival story and road to recovery with Holland Hospital's Cody Hoogerheide.
TalentFirst, Mackinac time travel Series, American Heart Month, and Renegade MD.
Managing Health Editor Gretel Schueller discusses the 2024 Best Heart Healthy Diets.
A new app launched today alerts Ottawa County residents to cardiac arrest events in their area
The American Heart Association prepares to Go Red for women.
AHA West Michigan’s Matt Johnson joins in with how to avoid extra strain in these impending times.
The American Heart Association reminds us that it’s essential to work closely with healthcare professionals before using over the counter medications.
The EGR community supports a nonprofit through the Hearts of Gold game come October 6th.
Congrats to #100 and a successful heart surgery. The Cardiovascular Network of West Michigan completed its 100th surgery at University of Michigan Health-West. Dr. Ronald Grifka, UM Health-West Chief Medical Officer with the details and the future of the Network. We also discuss heart disease prevention.