La June Montgomery Tabron, President/CEO of the WK Kellogg Foundation joins the show.
Rev. Wendell Anthony, president of the NAACP Detroit branch, said the excitement in the city now is “mind-blowing”
Spiritual Care Advisor, and Master of Divinity with Hospice of Michigan, Mark Bennink, discusses how West Michigan hospice patients are comforted and provided with healing they need during one of the most frightening times in their lives.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids have been in the health research news. Could that tuna fish sandwich help reduce your risk of chronic kidney disease? Could those sardines help your lungs? Dr. Chet Zelasko looks at the research of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on today’s Straight Talk on Health
Catch her act at the Vine Barn in Kalamazoo.
Children’s Healing Center is an oasis for members to step away from the stress of a complex medical diagnosis to experience the healing power of good clean fun.
Do you know the signs and symptoms of a stroke? The acronym “FAST” is commonly used but a group of brain surgeons wants to make it just a little be more specific by adding a couple of letters. Dr. Chet Zelasko talks about “BE FAST” on this edition of Straight Talk on Health
We are joined by Dr. Saumil Oza, St. Vincents and President of Broach School with Afib, Kathy Foster.
Dr.Nilda Garcia with the American College of Surgeons joins the show.
Trauma and Resilience Coordinator Brooke Aernouts and Blakelee Dunkelberg join in.