Care Resources Pace, MiCareerQuest, Heart for Home Respite Foster Care, and Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Shanthi Appelö, health and wellness spokesperson and registered dietitian at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan joins in.
Registered Dietician with BCBS of Michigan Shanthi Apelo discusses the results of a study.
National Salvation Army Week, Better Sleep Month, Armed Forces Day, Circle Theatre, and Michigan Dark Skies.
Dr. Amy McKenzie, Associate Chief Medical Officer BCBS of Michigan talks about how to sleep better.
Black Maternal Health, Iron Fish Distiller pairs up with Shorts Brewing, Mental Health, and Living West Michigan premiers tonight on WGVU Public Television.
BCBS’s Dr. Patricia Ferguson joins the show.
The Brilliance Awards, Great Start Readiness Program, Treetops Resort, Minority Health Month, and The West Michigan youth Ballet.
We touch on how the medical community can check their unconscious bias and more.
Eclipse safety, job interview tips, volunteering with Emmanuel Hospice, Muskegon Community College, and the book Charlie Hustle.