More than 10,000 children are in the state foster care system run by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
Fewer than 10% of former foster youth nationally enroll in college after high school, and fewer than 3% eventually earn a degree.
The Fostering Futures Scholarship Fund offers money to young adults who’ve experienced foster care and are now enrolling in Michigan colleges.
Michigan Education Trust Executive Director Diane Brewer says there are other ways to fund tuition but those can be limited to tuition which leaves a lot of other expenses uncovered.
“So, when you think of room and board, food to eat, a bus pass or a way to get to college, there was a definite need. Our funds are not restricted. We’ll allow a student who need to use it for tuition to do that but we’re broad enough to cover those other expenses.”
Tuesday June 18 from 11-2, the public is invited to “The Pizza Party on the Capitol Lawn” in downtown Lansing for lunch, live entertainment, speakers, and vendors.
Cost is a donation of $10 or more.
“The other way to contribute if you can’t make it downtown is to go to our website. There’s a lot of options and ways you can support this effort. The website is fostering”
Applications for the scholarships are now open on the website for students who were in foster care at age 13 or older and are now enrolled in college.
More information at Fostering Futures Scholarship Trust Fund