“Tonight, I’m proud to announce, ‘Lowering MI Costs.’ It’s a plan offering immediate relief. It’s got three parts," said Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Wednesday evening delivering the State of the State Address.
Democrat listing Pre-K for all saving families an average of $10,000 per year. Next, The Working Families Tax Credit delivering a $3,000 average refund to 700,000 families and finally, repealing the retirement tax.
“Ultimately it will save 500,000 households an average of $1,000 a year. That’s money for prescriptions and groceries and gas or gifts for your grandkids,” said Whitmer.
“We want this tax break to go to all retirees," said State Representative Luke Meerman. “Not just the pensioners which includes just 13-percent of Michigan residents. And these are state pensioners, not all pensioners.”
And not just 401k holders. The Republican serving west Michigan’s 89th District said working seniors without a 401k or pension should benefit.
“So, let’s make sure the income they’re earning after the age 62, 65 is also exempt up to a certain point.”
Republicans like Meerman believe that’s the best way to help Michigan retirees.