Millions of dollars overlooked for funding a major road project in Muskegon County have been restored.
Sherman Boulevard is one of the most heavily travelled roads in Muskegon County providing access to the Mercy Hospital campus and Lake Michigan beaches. In need of repair, the Sherman Boulevard infrastructure project was drawn up and budgeted.
But state funding for the project has been delayed since December when the House legislature, during a late-night, lame duck session errantly excluded Muskegon Heights from receiving a portion of the $1.3 billion supplemental budget.
The error was corrected this week. Muskegon Heights is now receiving $3 million for the project.
State Representative Terry Sabo, a Muskegon Democrat, worked to secure the promised funding. In a statement Sabo explained the delay is inexcusable, “This is just another example of the absurdity of hasty lame-duck governance when the Legislature is not given time to vet large pieces of legislation properly.”
The state House and Senate have approved a bill reinstating the funding now awaiting the governor’s signature.
aPatrick Center, WGVU News.