House Republicans walked out of Michigan House session Friday in protest over bills for road funding, sick leave, and minimum wage for tipped workers not yet seeing a vote
The Legislature returns to state Capitol Tuesday as lawmakers bargain over what to do before this session wraps up at the end of the year. One subject of negotiations is road funding.
Lawmakers are considering how to pay for Michigan roads, bridges and infrastructure into the future. One option is replacing the gas tax with a tax-per-mile
Republicans who control the Michigan House are proposing a new transportation-funding plan that would not raise fuel taxes and direct revenue toward local…
Allies of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer have launched $750,000 in TV ads to support her plan to borrow $3.5 billion to roughly double construction spending on…
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is working on an alternative road-funding plan to promote in her upcoming second year in office after the Legislature rejected a…
Michigan lawmakers exploring toll roads as a solution to road and bridge funding. Also, a local study takes a closer look at wage growth in West Michigan.
A recent state-wide poll indicates Michigan voters prefer any road funding budget not come at the expense of education and teacher retirement pensions.As…
A split Michigan House of Representatives is giving the okay to a plan that would shift the fuel sales tax to road funding.Sales taxes collected at the…
Millions of dollars overlooked for funding a major road project in Muskegon County have been restored.Sherman Boulevard is one of the most heavily…