Grand Rapids native and former U.S. Attorney Patrick Miles Jr. stood outside his former high school Ottawa Hills and officially announced his candidacy for Michigan Attorney General on Thursday. Appointed by President Barack Obama, a personal friend and fellow Harvard Law School graduate, Miles served five years as a United States attorney in the Western District of Michigan.
“I am running because these are dangerous times," Miles said. "My experience as United States attorney in the Western District of Michigan has prepared me well for this job of Attorney General. I am running because we need someone in the Michigan Attorney General’s office who will be a voice for the people.”
Miles, a Democrat, is looking to replace current Attorney General and Republican Bill Schuette whose time is up due to term limits. His campaign announcement comes nearly 10 days after Republican State Sen. Tonya Schuitmaker launched her campaign to seek the Republican nomination for attorney general. It’s rumored that House Speaker Tom Leonard is considering a run for attorney general as well.