The roving microphone goes to the Museum. The Grand Rapids Public Museum welcomes the exhibit Mandela: The Official Exhibition, on display now through May 26th. We get up close and personal to photos, film, personal effects and more. Kellie Rosekrans takes us through the exhibit.
The Gold Medal Tour Continues. We talk to the coauthor of A Miracle of their Own Keith Gave, a book signing Saturday at Woodland Mall. Gave will discuss a team, a stunning gold medal and newfound dreams for American girls. We discuss themes and action items for girls and hockey.
An opportunity for the youth to learn and play in Muskegon. We talk to Muskegon Museum of History and Sciences Program Specialist Wendy Vanwoerkom about the play and learn groups for kids birth to age 3 and their caregivers. The experience includes themes and related activities with play being the key.
Pierce Cedar Creek Institute partners with other organizations to conserve the turtle. Stewardship Manager Mary Parr talks about this effort to conserve Eastern Box Turtle Habitats with John Ball Zoo and GVSU. The institute is a nature center near Hastings.
Transcripts are provided upon request.