Enbridge has been trying to move the arguments to federal courts, where its chances are arguably better than state courts presided over by judges selected by Michigan voters
Enbridge wants a federal court to resolve the case without a trial. The nonprofit FLOW is among those opposing the company’s motion
The federal appellate court judges had remanded the case back to Michigan’s 30th Circuit Court in Ingham County. But Enbridge had requested a rehearing before the entire U.S. Court of Appeals
A legal battle over the future of Enbridge Energy’s Line Five gas and oil pipeline will continue in a state of Michigan court after Enbridge lost a federal court ruling Monday
Enbridge says the two companies combined have built nearly 400 miles of tunnel
During public comment, several people expressed their frustration with the decision.
Mackinac Island has lost one of its daily charter-plane services. As Rick Brewer tells us, the closing of Great Lakes Air leaves the island with only one year-round flight option
A federal review of the Great Lakes Tunnel project is moving forward. The tunnel would encase a new section of Line 5 underneath the Straits of Mackinac and replace the 69-year-old dual pipes that currently run along the lakebed.
State Representative Rachel Hood is introducing legislation to protect the waters of the Great Lakes in the Straits of Mackinac.
The Biden administration has not taken a position but is under increasing pressure to do so.