New minimum wage ruling, Godwin Mercado update, a One Small Step conversation, and more.
The Michigan State Police says an independent report it commissioned found evidence of racial disparities in traffic stops at about a third of agency posts surveyed
Nearly a year after the young Congolese man, Patrick Lyoya, was shot in the back of the head after a traffic stop went awry, some members of Grand Rapids’ Black community are saying reforms have been superficial at best
The Michigan Legislative Black Caucus is renewing a call for law enforcement accountability following the deadly beating of a motorist in Memphis.
In a statement, department officials wrote they are “extremely disappointed” about Vorce’s reinstatement and still believe his firing was justified. Vorce is required to undergo sensitivity training.
With protests and conversations on many levels about police reform happening right now, Ann Arbor’s police chief Michael Cox brings a bit of a different…