Critics of the project have expressed concern about the safety of storing nuclear waste on-site, and the soundness of the plant
In March, Whitmer and U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, announced the federal government will offer a $1.5 billion loan to help the plant’s new owner, Holtec International, restart Palisades nuclear power plant
Shelley Irwin talks about the re-commissioning of the Palisades power plant with Kevin Kamps, the VAI may have made a breakthrough for treating colorectal cancers, Michigan is seeing a rise in Measles cases, and more.
Palisades is making headlines, and Kevin Kamps presents his words on the topic of a podcast about Palisades.
After receiving a federal loan totaling more than $1 billion, the mothballed Covert, Michigan nuclear power plant will restart.
Holtec is developing plans to restart Palisades, motivated by a Biden administration initiative to keep aging nuclear plants going and by support from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
The owners of the Palisades Nuclear Plant in southwest Michigan say there’s still hope for restarting the out-of-service facility
A southwest Michigan nuclear facility will remain closed despite a last-ditch effort to secure federal funding to re-open it.
The owner of nuclear power plants slated for closure in Massachusetts and Michigan says it plans to sell the facilities after they are shut down.Entergy…
The Michigan Public Service Commission is deciding whether ending a nuclear power purchase contract would be a cost-saving decision for energy customers.…