The Michigan Civil Rights commission is taking steps to regulate how companies and governments use artificial intelligence
HUD is awarding over $32-million to fair housing organizations throughout the country. The Fair Housing Center of West Michigan is one of those organizations
Landlords could not discriminate against tenants or prospective tenants who use housing vouchers or some other type of public assistance to pay the rent under bills adopted early Thursday by the Legislature
It could become illegal in Michigan to deny renting to someone because of their source of income under a bill package headed for the full state House
Affordable, available housing is an issue in Michigan, and with it comes growing allegations of housing discrimination. The city of Holland is offering training to help
Liz Keegan with the Fair Housing Center of West Michigan talks about registration, deadlines and more.
The legislation is aimed at combating homelessness and getting more families into secure housing
The new law is known as the “CROWN Act,” an acronym for “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair. Supporters say hair discrimination is simply racial discrimination by a different name
Housing discrimination based on the source of someone’s income would be illegal under Michigan bills that received a committee hearing Tuesday