ED Coleen Davis reminds us of the 260% increase in clients specifically in the Muskegon area.
If you’re eligible for a disability savings account, the state is going to give you $100 to open one. It's an incentive for thousands of Michigan residents who are eligible but haven’t signed up.
The MiABLE program allows people to invest and leverage the money they earn without risking benefits
We talk to Lori about the growth of the organization and this weekend’s event.
A new study recently released in Grand Rapids shows dementia patients don’t feel their voices are being heard. One woman living with the disease shares her insights
Disability Advocates of Kent County is hosting an event for Disability Awareness Day this Friday
We talk to Dave Vander Woude and Amber Koster about the details.
Liz Nienhuis discusses how the 15$ will play a pivotal role in the construction of a 77 unit apartment complex in Grand Haven.
Grand Rapidian Jocelyn Dettlof joins the show.
ED Amber Koster discusses the mission and the impact to the students served.