Democratic leaders could not muster the necessary votes for lifting the ban on using Medicaid funds for abortion care or repealing 24-hour waiting periods.
In the lead-up to the vote on the reproductive rights amendment, the justices resisted efforts to engage them in the controversy. That included ignoring a formal request for an opinion filed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer
The state Senate adopted bills Wednesday to repeal Michigan’s dormant abortion ban. The Senate action will send the bills to Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who has promised to sign them
Michigan House lawmakers sent a repeal of the state’s inactive 1931 abortion ban to the Senate Thursday
Governor Gretchen Whitmer says she still hopes for a Michigan Supreme Court ruling that abortion rights are protected under the equal protection clause of the state constitution
A group of more than 500 doctors has filed a brief with the Michigan Supreme Court calling for a ruling that abortion rights are protected
The Michigan Board of State Canvassers will meet today to comply with a state Supreme Court decision that it must place an abortion rights amendment on the November ballot
The Michigan Supreme Court is faced with decisions this week on whether two contentious questions will appear on the November ballot
An attorney for Republican prosecutors say this decision will be appealed
Some Republican county prosecutors say it’s up to them to decide whether to charge abortion providers under the 1931 state law