Funded by a .25 mill property tax passed in 2018, in 2022, Ready by 5 has provided more than 12,400 young children and expectant parents from every zip code in Kenty County access to programs focused on healthy development, early learning and family support. Thousands more received information and resources about early childhood development. Since its passing in 2018, Kent County has seen increased participation in evidence-based programs with 50% more families served by Home Visiting, an 800% participation increase in Play and Learn Groups, and 2,240 residents served through outreach and navigation services. Through developmental screenings, 730 children have also been connected to early intervention services. Here to talk about their families' experiences with Ready by 5 are Kent County parents Millie Martinez and Taniah Ingram. To learn more, visit:
By Leaps & Bounds: Ready by 5 and Impact on Families