“Interim administrator Jon Anderson is planning to return to the job he had.”
Ottawa County Board of Commissioners Chair Joe Moss says interim administrator Jon Anderson, who replaced fired administrator John Gibbs who replaced fired administrator John Shay, is resigning effective October 4th.
“We are talking about him staying on a little bit longer through the transition process this year.”
But resident Rebecca Patrick and some others think it’s okay to keep the job vacant until new board members take office next year.
“Any action to fill this job permanently needs to wait until January of 2025.”
Some current board members did not run for reelection, others lost in the primary and may not win reelection, and Shelia Dutloff thinks the new board majority may have a different selection process.
“What has been followed in the past like in the past year and a half you identify a preferred candidate and then the criteria is matched to that particular candidate we have seen that with John Gibbs we saw it with Jon Anderson.”
“Regarding the process we want to make sure we are leveraging best practices and rely on proven processes recommended by recruiting agencies. We’ll keep everyone updated.”