Grand Rapids Community College is receiving $5.5 million from the U.S. Department of Labor and is the only college in Michigan to receive the grant. Dean and Executive Director of Workforce Training Julie Parks says GRCC will team up with Muskegon Community College to utilize these funds.
“So we’re going to work on how we expand work-based learning, opportunities for our students to get out into the tech community to get some work experience to learn about the jobs.”
GRCC will also be partnering with West Michigan Works! and other industry stakeholders to identify workforce needs of employers throughout West Michigan’s tech industry. From there, GRCC will expand their degree and certificate offerings.
“We already have certificates in data science and artificial intelligence and automation, but how will those be degrees? What’s the next step? How will we immigrate those into, maybe, a business degree? Maybe a science degree?”
U.S. Senator Gary Peters helped secure funding for this grant. Parks says his support, along with U.S. Representatives Hilary Scholten and Carol Glanville, played a crucial role in making it a reality.
“Their support on this proposal I think really pushes it over the top for us to show that this is an imperative. This fits with the strategic plan for the region and we’re very excited that they’re willing to support us.”
The grant is expected to fund 95% of the program.