ZooLittles focuses on how preschoolers can playfully explore the natural world. The program will utilize many of the zoo’s exhibits, mere steps from their indoor classroom. According to Education Manager Rhiannon Mulligan, this is not the first version of this particular program.
“Previously we had been doing kind of a drop-in program a couple days a week and we really wanted to make a bigger impact with the kids that we were serving.”
ZooLittles uses practices from the North American Association for Environmental Education, where kids are given an opportunity to learn based on the interests they show while exploring nature.
“The program is really focused on nature play, so to get kids connected and loving nature, they have to spend time out in it.”
Instructors with the program will helps kids take part in a developmentally appropriate curriculum that focuses on social/emotional, physical, cognitive and linguistic skills.
“We want to grow those future conservationists and we recognize that the way to do that is from as early of an age as possible.”
The program runs from September of 2024 through May of 2025. You can register online at JBZoo.org