Two students from Grand Valley State University are honored by their peers and the University for helping rescue a woman in a car accident. Authorities say the pair helped save the woman’s life.
“I talked to one of the students yesterday and he said, it was just the right thing to do. Pretty incredible when most people would just leave the scene, these students put it upon themselves to rescue this woman from her car.”
Ella Fritizemeier is the Student Senate President at Grand Valley State University. She says they recently rewarded two students who rescued a woman. Reports say the accident happened January 20th, when a woman driving on Lake Michigan Drive in Standale was hit head on by a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction. That’s when Trevor Fairfield, a business major from Holland along with Jarret Basset, a nursing major from Muskegon went into action.
“She was trapped in the care and the students ran towards the car, instead of most, trying to get away. They saw she was trapped in there. They pried the door opened and took her out and waited with her until the ambulance came.”
On Thursday, the Student Senate recognized Fairfield and Basset for their heroics. Grand Valley President Thomas Haas was on hand as Student senators passed a resolution honoring them… Fritzmeier says it’s important to take time to recognize their bravery.
“Honestly, I don’t’ think we do it enough. There’s not enough peer to peer, hope it’s something we continue to do in the future as well.”
Fritzmeier says they also gave the students gift cards to Chick-Fil-a, which is where they were on their way to when they stopped to help the accident victim.