The Pritzker Children’s Initiative is a national effort to promote high-quality early learning and development for children from birth to age three. Kent County has been selected to participate, and Pritzker Early Childhood Fellow, Anissa Eddie, is here to share more about her role as part of the network of early childhood community partners working to increase the number of children developmentally on track by Kindergarten. For more information, visit:,,,
WGVU By Leaps & Bounds
00000179-f232-de1b-a9f9-f2fa97a20003Investments in high-quality early childhood care, education, and support programs do more than help children – they also strengthen our workforce and economy. How are communities in West and Southwest Michigan approaching prevention and early intervention in these systems of care? How do the programs benefit children, families, care and education providers, businesses, and taxpayers? Where are the gaps, and how do we fill them? Come along as we take a closer look.