Wylin Wilson writes the book Womanist Bioethics, bringing awareness to the importance of valuing women's rights and bodies. We talk to this Professor of Theological Ethics at Duke about health disparities, equity and more.
The Book of Flaco is about the World's Most Famous Bird, author David Gessner shares the love for this unique owl.
Wedgwood Christian Services presents a free event at Wealthy Street Theatre for Sex Trafficking Awareness month. We talk to Kori Thompson, Advancement and Community Development Officer.
A recent survey indicates that many college grads are failing at job interviews. CEO of Purple Engine Coaching and Consulting Michelle Gilbert discusses her tips for the virtual and in person interview, plus a 5 week masterclass offer.
Today is the National Day of Racial Healing and we speak with La June Montgomery Tabron, President/CEO of the WK Kellogg Foundation, and author of How We Heal, sharing her practical advice on how to connect with people across racial and political differences.
Transcripts are provided upon request.