Foster care is in crisis. Bethany Christian Services helps with the connections between a foster family, child, and birth family. We talk about the local angle and how the community can help with Shantheis Moody, Child Welfare Services.
Local authors Michael and Madeline Lindvall write as father/daughter team, under the pen name - M.M. Lindvall. They write a mystery series set in Western Michigan, sleuth character is Rev. Seth Ludington. First book Ashes to Ashes, second is Earth to Earth. Michael is a retired minister and Madeline is a producer of true crime tv series. We discuss their bond.
These snacks turn 94, Michigan made Better Made Snack Foods turns 94 and gets ready to celebrate National Potato Day. Mark Costello with the chip conversation and the celebratory plans.
Circle Theatre presents A Raisin in the Sun, opening Thursday, this portrait of a family struggle to retain dignity in a harsh setting, Actors in studio, including Keo Foster and Chloe Chavers.
Its happening this week, the Advanced Manufacturing Expo at DeVos Place providing a space for Michigan businesses, schools, nonprofits, and more to network locally and along side influential people. We talk to Michael Johnston about the importance of the gathering.
Transcripts are provided upon request.