We discuss the Kent County Sports and Entertainment Facilities Proposal on the ballot, the pros, the cons, and the understanding of the campaign. Josh Lunger, GR Chamber, joins in with the details of the proposed increase and visions for the city.
This Saturday, an event on behalf of AQUME Foundation raises friends and funds. Ciarra Adkins, Founder, talks about the 5k Health is Wealth Fundraiser to raise funds for community grantmaking. Millennium Park the place to be, with food, drink, exercise and more. $25k is the goal to be raised.
The Momentum Center offers the Community Conversation: Common Values in Uncommon Times. Barbara Lee VanHorssen discusses this August 1 event, 4 panelists elaborating on the concerns, answering the questions of are values universal and more.
The Trail.Club Treasure Hunt continues this July, adventures organized to encourage local trail usage. The final quest is the July Puzzle, Allie Walker and daughter Reiley talk about the game rules, the themes and how this Saturday activity culminates.
Fallasburg Historical Society is celebrating. The 3rd annual Village Celebration happens July 27th, with expansions with more to do and the opportunity to raise awareness! Bruce Doll and Jennifer Helner talk about the Society and day, also serving as a fundraiser.
Transcripts are provided upon request.