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The Shelley Irwin Show Podcast for 4-10-24

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Convergence Thought Series, Restless Archive, Safe Haven Ministries, By Leaps & Bounds, and the move Your money Pledge.

We discuss the Convergence Thought Series with Brian Cohen, ED of CONFLUENCE. The event takes place on April 16-17 and will explore various topics in innovation. After each day’s sessions, attendees go behind the scenes with GR’s Innovative teams.

Tonight, GVSU welcomes Simone Giglitotti, with her talk “Help Me to Get Home” and her book Restless Archive. Professor Rob Franciosi and Simone talk about the speaking engagement, and the hope audience members will take away from the presentation.

Safe Have Ministries presents Celebration of Hope on April 25th, a theme of Human Trafficking, rooted in misuse of power and control. CEO Rachel VerWys discussing this annual fundraising event and how the Sheriff is involved.

This year, Governor Whitmer announced PreK for All that would create the opportunity for all Michigan four-year-olds to attend a free, high-quality PreK program by 2027 - regardless of income. Why is this important for Michigan's young children, and what can families, programs, and early childhood professionals expect this year and beyond?

Today we’ll talk with Anne Kuhnen, Kids Count Director with the Michigan League for Public Policy and Tami Mannes, Organizational Lead for Western Early Childhood Support Network and Director of District Improvement and Early Childhood with Ottawa Area ISD, to learn more about the challenges West Michigan families are facing when it comes to childcare and early childhood education and how PreK for All aims to bridge these gaps.

For more information about PreK for All, visit https://www.michigan.gov/mileap/early-childhood-education/prek-for-all. To access Michigan's Kids Count data, visit https://mlpp.org/kids-count/2023-kids-count-in-michigan-data-book-and-profiles/.

People First Economy presents the upcoming Move Your Money initiative, Director of Engagement Kathleen Roark plus Matt Cook with LCMU discuss April as Financial Awareness Month and the “Move Your Money” Pledge.

Transcripts are provided upon request.

Shelley Irwin is the host and producer for The Shelley Irwin Show, a news magazine talk-show format on the local NPR affiliate Monday through Friday. The show, broadcast at 9 a.m., features a wide variety of local and national news makers, plus special features.
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