More than 5,800 Michiganders are owed back wages. The U.S. Dept. of Labor is helping them get their check quickly with a new online system.
Michigan House lawmakers heard testimony Thursday over bills to redefine who counts as an independent contractor and prevent wage theft
The U.S. Department of Labor found Tacos el Cuñado Alpine LLC failed to keep accurate pay records and to pay tipped and non-tipped workers time-and-one-half their average rate of pay for hours over 40 in a workweek.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer moved quickly to sign bills sent to her this week to repeal Michigan’s right to work law and to require the state contractors to pay union-level wages.
Without a stay, the decisions would take effect next month
The Michigan Supreme Court says cities and villages have the power to determine wages on public construction projects.The court overturned a decision from…
Michigan workers making the minimum wage will see a 35-cents-an-hour raise starting Friday.The state hourly minimum is rising from $8.15 to $8.50.That is…
Organizers of a drive to repeal Michigan's 50-year-old prevailing wage law have turned in an estimated 390,959 signatures.Secretary of State spokesman…