GVSU Professor/Board Member Karen Rachel and Connar Klock, artist director discuss a show opening this week and more.
Michigan lawmakers sent a bill to the governor this week that would ban the use of the so-called “LGBTQ panic” defense in court
Shelley Irwin previews this weekend’s Holland Waterfront Celtic Festival and Highland Games, GR is breaking ground for a new lodge at Martin Luther King Park, there’s a need for foster homes for LGBTQ youth, and more.
Fred Stella welcomes Ryan Di Corpo from Outreach, an LGBTQ Catholic Resource, to Common Threads to discuss same-sex blessings
The Governor signed bills Thursday to preserve Obamacare coverage in Michigan even if all or part of the Affordable Care Act is reversed at the federal level.
The plaintiff, Grand Rapids area's Christian Healthcare Centers, said the policies block its ability to operate as a faith-based medical services ministry
Similar bills withered in earlier sessions of the Legislature when one or both of the chambers were controlled by Republicans
Michigan’s already expansive civil rights law would also specify that those protections include LGBTQ people under legislation that cleared a state Senate committee Thursday
A first hearing on an LGBTQ civil rights bill was held Thursday before a state Senate committee
Republican gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon says some teachers in Michigan are exposing young students to inappropriate sex ed materials. She made the allegation at a campaign event in front of the state Capitol