Fourth of July safety, Fourth of July travel tips, 99 Great Ways to Save from AARP, GRPM and JBZ team up, and the annual HollyHock Parade.
We talk to Tubist/Participant Karen Dunnam about this Ottawa Hills neighborhood ritual.
Dr. Daniel DeCook, General Surgeon, Trauma Medical Director, discusses the popularity of the Emergency room around the July 4th holiday.
We talk to Fire Marshall Bill Smith about this and the fireworks ordinance rules.
Top destinations this week include Orlando, Nashville, Clearwater and Washington DC
A record number of motorists are expected to hit the roads this week
The Fourth of July holiday can lead some people to have a bit too much holiday cheer. But there’s a program in place to help both inebriated drivers, and their vehicles, get home safely
The City of Grand Rapids is urging the public to follow rules and practice extreme caution when lighting fireworks in celebration of Independence Day
The number of Michigan residents traveling by car is projected to be the highest on record
June is COVID Vaccine Action Month. President Joe Biden has a set a goal of 70-percent of the nation’s eligible population to be vaccinated by the Fourth…