The Betty Blip, Kalamazoo Lively Arts, GVSU’s Celebration of the Arts, ArtPrize and Degage, and Beer City Brewers Festival.
Degage Ministries is involved and we discuss.
The Grand Rapids Fire Department delivered 30 cases of water to Mel Trotter Ministries and another 30 to Degage
The Roving Mic stops by Degage.
Dégagé Ministries is hosting a new series of summer events to highlight the causes, realities, and solutions to homelessness.
More to the Story, guests in on behalf of those serving the Homeless. Today, Bob Kreter and Adrenne Goodstal discuss Degage Ministries seeking donations…
Degage Ministries Brooke Jevicks talks about the ministry to those living downtown and Cherry Health Client Robert Tolbert shares a thanking testimony.
A new shelter in Grand Rapids is hoping to address a growing problem in the city: there is simply not enough room for the number of homeless families who…