We talk to Praeco Skills’ Director of Talent Development Steve Heethuis.
Attendees are encouraged to bring their families for free food and carnival-style activities, while jobseekers talk with potential employers in a relaxed environment.
A select number of GVSU students are in the middle of The Laker Accelerated Talent Link launched at the start of this year. The initial cohort has been meeting - and now, officials say, they’re preparing for the next wave of students and program expansion
When Clara stepped into the 3D Animation & Game Design program at Kent Career Tech Center, she wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Now in her second year, she has her sights on a career in this area where she can express herself artistically while mastering high-end technology used in a growing economic sector.
We talk to Ryan Graham and Trevor Mier about the event and partnership.
An event called “Water Pool-ooza” is coming to Grand Rapids. It’s an opportunity for families to learn about the water they drink and potential careers
Michigan business organizations urge lawmakers to find revenue for roads repairs. Some state colleges and universities are creating curriculum for careers…
Career 101, monthly putting the spotlight on all things career. Today's topic is negotiating salary. Ed Oullette of Workforce Search Group is our guest.
Career 101 with career experts in studio. Today's topic, “Clean up your Resume.” Career Coach Ed Ouellette is our guest.
Career 101, every month talking about the latest in the job market. Today's topic is, what you say is often not what the hiring manager hears.