Grand Rapids African American Health Institute, EQPD, The American Cancer Society, Broadway Grand Rapids, and Love in the Details.
We talk to Meghan Distel and Jennifer Pascua about the run.
Michigan recycling, West Michigan Intern Connect, Broadway Grand Rapids, murals at the Ford Airport, and Google trends for June.
Roman Banks plays MJ and we talk to him.
Trail.Club, Broadway Grand Rapids, Esports at the DeVos Performance Hall, Children's Business Fair, and the Great Lakes Kite Fest.
Local Artist Tim Motley, Broadway Grand Rapids, Franciscan Life Process Center, White Lake Youth Theatre, and Bank of American Museums On Us.
Marketing Director Jennifer Pascua discusses the full line up.
The Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies, Gerald R. Ford Museum, Broadway Grand Rapids, Genetic Testing, and Race Directing from A to Z.
We talk to “Tina”, played by Ari Groover.
Actress Christine Bunuan plays Mrs. Meeker and joins the show to discuss the tour.