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Daughter of former Republican President Gerald Ford endorsing Kamala Harris

Susan Ford Bales in 2023
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Susan Ford Bales in 2023

Susan Ford Bales released a statement Monday

Susan Ford Bales, daughter of former Grand Rapids Congressman and Republican President Gerald Ford released a statement Monday, noting in part:

“America cannot regress back to a divisive paradigm of loathing toward one another and disdain for our Constitution. We witnessed on January 6 the horrors of what that looks like, and we can never allow a repeat of that tragedy. The forces that incited it must be held accountable. They can never be in a position to ever do it again.

Vice President Harris and I likely disagree on some policy matters, but her integrity and commitment to those same principles that guided Dad have led me to conclude that Kamala Harris should be elected 47th President of the United States.”

The endorsement comes as Harris campaigns in Michigan with former Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney.

Susan Ford Bales’ Full Statement:

“When my father, Gerald Ford, was sworn-in as America’s 38th President, the nation was in need of a serious, compassionate and honorable leader who had the courage to do what was right and always to defend our Constitution. His dedication to those values helped bring our country through a turbulent time and restored Americans' trust in our democracy. We face a similar dynamic today. America cannot regress back to a divisive paradigm of loathing toward one another and disdain for our Constitution. We witnessed on January 6 the horrors of what that looks like, and we can never allow a repeat of that tragedy. The forces that incited it must be held accountable. They can never be in a position to ever do it again.

“Vice President Harris and I likely disagree on some policy matters, but her integrity and commitment to those same principles that guided Dad have led me to conclude that Kamala Harris should be elected 47th President of the United States. She recognizes the goodness and the greatness in our country. I know she will defend the rule of law and our Constitution. And I know she will work to bring all Americans together to move us beyond partisanship. That is what America deserves from our President, and that is why I am proud to endorse Vice President Harris for President of the United States.”

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