Michigan’s apple, cherry, peach, and plum producers have approved a referendum to continue the Michigan Tree Fruit Research and Development Program.
Established in April 2014, Michigan Tree Fruit Research and Development Program was developed to improve the economic position and competitiveness of the Michigan tree fruit industry by supporting the fruit research stations, research and extension programs. The goal for this program is to keep Michigan’s tree fruit industry on the cutting edge of new technology as well as implementation of new research that keep Michigan’s farmers economically viable in the world market into the future.
The program is a public body independent of the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. It is comprised of nine tree fruit producers appointed by the Governor. MDARD Director Tim Boring and a person appointed by the Michigan State University Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources are non-voting ex-officio members.
The program will continue for an additional five years, beginning April 1, 2024 and ending March 31, 2029. Michigan tree fruit may be assessed at a maximum rate of $2.50 per ton for cherries sold; 4 cents per CWT. for apples sold: $2.00 per ton for peaches sold; and $4.50 per ton for plums sold.
A total of 152 valid ballots were cast in the referendum. 96 producers voted yes (63 percent) representing 294,814,092 pounds of apples, cherries, peaches, and plums (55 percent); and 56 producers voted no (37 percent) representing 239,799,386 pounds of apples, cherries, peaches, and plums (45 percent).
For renewal of the program and its activities, more than 50 percent of the voting producers, representing more than 50 percent of the production of those voting, must have approved it.