In 2008, a $1.5 million grant from the Frey Foundation established the Frey Foundation Chair for Family Philanthropy at Grand Valley State University’s Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy. It was the first of its kind in the nation. It would create an area of study that did not previously exist. Michael Moody was appointed the first chair with a focus on engaging next-generation donors recognizing their values. Philanthropic programs advancing research and professional development.
The work will continue, and the leadership position is now secured with a $2.2 million gift. The Frey Foundation furnishing a $1.2 million grant along with an anonymous donor’s $1 million match.
In a news release, ‘Grand Valley President Philomena V. Mantella said the gifts will enhance the internationally recognized work being done at the Johnson Center and ensure it continues as a global resource in advancing meaningful, effective philanthropy.’