The American Red Cross says it has seen a concerning shortfall in blood donations in recent weeks. In a news release they say the shortfall, coupled with the upcoming holiday, could put a further strain on donations. This, as people celebrate with family vacations and other seasonal activities. Officials say all blood types are needed, especially B negative and O negative.
The American Red Cross says it wants everyone to enjoy a safe and fun Fourth of July, which includes ensuring a strong blood supply for patients in hospitals in Michigan and across the country.
Those who give blood, platelets or plasma, as well as people who have not given in a while and people wishing to donate for the first time, they say can help ensure patients who rely on blood donations are able to enjoy their summer.
To become a blood donor, you can make an appointment by downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor App, call them, at 1-800-RED CROSS or 1-800-733-2767 or you can go to their website at