U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga appeared on Facebook Live asking if President Joe Biden answered a central question: will the United States be out of Afghanistan by August 31st?
“Or are we going to wait ‘til we have all of our citizens out as well as out allies out? It was not clear.”
The Zeeland Republican voiced his concern about the terror threat at Kabul Airport. An airport he says has one runway. If anything happens to it, the entire airport shuts down.
“We’ve got one exit point. That’s it out of the entire country. One exit point. And strategically this is just stupid. It’s dumb. I just cannot understand how we possibly would have thought, and the President would have thought, that this was a good idea moving ahead and shutting down the Bagram.”
That’s the Bagram Airfield with multiple runways in a remote area of Afghanistan that the U.S. military abandoned in early July.
Representative Huizenga suggests the U.S. Military retake the airfield as a secondary exit making sure all Americans and Afghan allies are evacuated. Huizenga says the U.S. must stay beyond the self-imposed deadline. If additional troops are needed, he’s all for it.