The Johnson Center for Philanthropy at Grand Valley State University is hosting an expert on localism. The speaker will explain why buying local and supporting small businesses has gained popularity in recent years.
“The underlying concept is that ownership and purchasing power actually improves the quality of our local community and our local economy.”
That’s Jason Franklin, WK Kellogg Community Philanthropy Chair at GVSU’s Johnson Center. He’s talking about tomorrow’s presentation by Deborah Frieze, author, activist and entrepreneur. She’s the guest expert, speaking on the topic, “Why I became a Localist.” Franklin says local business and nonprofit leaders alike could benefit from this presentation.
“This is one topic that cuts across all sectors, from nonprofit to higher education to business to government. That’s actually at the heart of localism, is the idea that all the pieces are inter-connected and so the social services need to be strengthened, so that the economy can be strengthened and the government strengthened and around and around in a virtuous circle.”
Franklin says this presentation is not meant to persuade people to support localism but to explain why buying local and supporting small businesses has gained popularity recent years. Something he says is already happening in Grand Rapids.
“I think it has already clearly taken root. My hope is with this session is that people who are already focused on a local first or localist movement will find new tools and insight to strengthen their work.”
The presentation is tomorrow from four to six at the Loosemoore Auditorium on the Pew Campus downtown. The cost is 15 dollars and is free to GVSU students with ID. For more information or to register, go to